Frank Konieczny: Well, first of all, we want to have an increased mission focus. What that means is that the airmen right now are doing IT jobs and they shouldn’t be doing IT jobs, they should be focusing on their true mission of what the air force is supposed to be doing.
Speaker 2: Very good point.
Speaker 1: It will relieve them from doing things that the Cloud provider should provide for us. Also, there is, of course, increased effectiveness. When we have a Cloud infrastructure, we have coup, we have disaster recovery capabilities, we have capabilities of, as Gary mentioned, doing training, mobile training at the same time. So, I think that is going to help us achieve mission faster because we’re basically … [Inaudible 00:00:36] is really for everything. It’s to meet mission as effectively as possible and of course there are efficiencies. Efficiencies in terms of [Inaudible 00:00:45] Cloud infrastructure and for development. It should be faster because I could develop on cloud infrastructure and test it and thus move it effectively into production at the same time. This will save us money as well as everything else that’s time to get the mission apps right out there. Of course there is … what we found when we did it at [Inaudible 00:01:02] Hill air force base, efficiencies and in the number of system administrators that you need to have, because we reduced our system administrators on the Linux site, like 250 to 1.
Speaker 2: Oh wow.
Speaker 1: So, it was a … as soon as you went to a cloud infrastructure as we did, we went down to a standardized baseline, we had 400 apps running, the system administrators went down to nothing because there was consistency across the board and it was easy to maintain it.
Speaker 2: Wow. That’s pretty …
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