US Army

  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Ltg Ed Cardon: So Jim we’ll just highlight four areas. JIm Flyzik: Okay. Ltg Ed Cardon: So first, we've created a global standardized security posture. So…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Ltc. Paul Stanton: Again, from the army side perspective, we are focused on operations and mission impact and we are very closely partnered with DISA in pursuing cloud…

Transcribed Videos

  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Brendan Goode: That's a tough question, because we've had several successes at the department over the past year. I'd like to pick one that's…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Ltg Ed Cardon: So Jim we’ll just highlight four areas. JIm Flyzik: Okay. Ltg Ed Cardon: So first, we've created a global standardized security posture. So…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    32 plays 0  
    Roland Fabia: For us in DIA, it’s the intelligence community information technology enterprise or iSight, and I know you’ve had Director Clapper and other…

Defense Cloud Computing

  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Ltc. Paul Stanton: Again, from the army side perspective, we are focused on operations and mission impact and we are very closely partnered with DISA in pursuing cloud…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    21 plays 0  
    David Bennett: Take that is absolutely on target. The identity piece of this is going to be key as we move forward as we put enterprise email into place. We created…

Big Data

  • From Lauren Jackson

    29 plays 0  
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Ltc. Paul Stanton: Again, from the army side perspective, we are focused on operations and mission impact and we are very closely partnered with DISA in pursuing cloud…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Dave Bottom: Sure, Jim. We take a look at NGA (National Geospatial Intelligence Agency), we're using big data in a couple of different ways. JIm Flyzik: Okay. …