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  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Ltg Ed Cardon: So Jim we’ll just highlight four areas. JIm Flyzik: Okay. Ltg Ed Cardon: So first, we've created a global standardized security posture. So…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Ltc. Paul Stanton: Again, from the army side perspective, we are focused on operations and mission impact and we are very closely partnered with DISA in pursuing cloud…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Brendan Goode: That's a tough question, because we've had several successes at the department over the past year. I'd like to pick one that's…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Ltg Ed Cardon: So Jim we’ll just highlight four areas. JIm Flyzik: Okay. Ltg Ed Cardon: So first, we've created a global standardized security posture. So…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Roland Fabia: For us in DIA, it’s the intelligence community information technology enterprise or iSight, and I know you’ve had Director Clapper and other…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
  • From Kevin Jackson

    24 plays 0  
    Ltc. Paul Stanton: Again, from the army side perspective, we are focused on operations and mission impact and we are very closely partnered with DISA in pursuing cloud…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    21 plays 0  
    Brendan Goode: Certainly the threat doesn’t go away. JIm Flyzik: Yeah. Brendan Goode: I think there’s too much of a reward for people that are successful.…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Brendan Goode: That's a tough question, because we've had several successes at the department over the past year. I'd like to pick one that's…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Ltg Ed Cardon: So Jim we’ll just highlight four areas. JIm Flyzik: Okay. Ltg Ed Cardon: So first, we've created a global standardized security posture. So…
  • From Kevin Jackson

    34 plays 0  
    Roland Fabia: For us in DIA, it’s the intelligence community information technology enterprise or iSight, and I know you’ve had Director Clapper and other…