Gary Blohm:I think everything we are doing in IT in the army, I think across the department, really has to do with effectiveness, security and efficiency. Efficiency is a big part of what we do, but it still doesn’t drive everything in the department. We really need to look at effectiveness. So, I think we look at the cloud as an opportunity to even look at how we process our data differently. So, we have, obviously, a lot of data in the army, business intelligence, looking across different systems where [00:00:27] pipe in the past and how can we take advantage of the data to better assess our readiness, to better assess our financial posture etc. I think it also will help facilitate mobility. We need to also train as we fight. So, as we look at post campus station as a docking station, Isley, as a docking station. How do we train as we fight in the cloud? Finally, being resourceful with our funds. We know that that’s definitely something we need to do to help the department and move forward in these times.
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