Radm Marshall Lytle: I’d like to build on something General Cardone mentioned about this, Cyber Mission Force. Cybercom has three main missionaries -- defend the nation, operate and defend the department’s networks and provide cyber capabilities for combat and commands. This year was a major milestone we’ve reached with the creation of that cyber mission force.
In the halls of the Pentagon everybody knows what a battalion means, what a platoon brings to the table, what a fleet, what a squadron, what a sector brings. But what was that measure, what was that unit of cyber capability that we could bring to the table with the creation of the Cyber Mission Force we’ve been able to define those roles, create a training pipeline, a certification pipeline and a mission organization to those capabilities and those forces so that we can bring some capability to the table in cyber environments.
So just as here as General Cardone was mentioning we’re starting to get into that training pipeline, we’re starting to resource that, the services are getting together to provide that, so we have an organized and trained force ready to go on this.
JIm Flyzik: Terrific.
00:00:53 END OF AUDIO
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