Radm Marshall Lytle: Sure Jim. There’s certainly lots to talk about in this domain. It’s very fast moving, things are changing, very complex. The DODs IT environment is extremely complex and we would say excessively complex. Thousands of enclaves, different standards, different connections it’s difficult to share information, defend and maintain in this environment particularly from US Cyber Camp, cyber com perspective.
So two years ago, across the department we started this effort called to share IT infrastructure and enterprise services and moved to a single security model called the Joint Information Environment or JIE. The goals for this JI Environment are three fold. The first is mission effectiveness and that’s not just the cyber mission but we need to create an environment where all of our war fighting demand missions are effective. We need to be able to share information easily across the domain within the Go Comms.
The second main goal is defensibility of the department [inaudible 00:00:49] networks. We need to create an environment where we can from cyber com perspective defend this environment for the nation. Our current environment with thousands of different networks and different support structures and different standards is very difficult to support.
The third main goal is the efficiency of the system and that really feeds the first two. We’ve got duplicate systems, redundant email systems, et cetera. You can pick up a bunch of examples across the department. We need to get to a more efficient environment that we cannot only operate and maintain and work on it more effectively but that could and this like limited physical environment it could realize savings that we could then contribute back into an increase security posture that we have.
And moving things in the department is, you know, obviously Department of Defense is very large environment and very difficult and complex, it’s kind of a monumental task. So in the two years we’ve been working on and we’ve come up with a whole lot of good architecture so far, we’re working on some examples in Europe and coming up in Pacific command for how we’re going to implement this. So we’ve made a lot of good progress toward this, we’ve got a long way to go and from cyber com perspective we can’t get there fast enough.
00:01:53 END OF AUDIO
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