Gary Blohm: I would like to focus on a couple areas. One is: as we have been in [00:00:05 Inaudible] for the last decades. We have got our post campus infrastructure atrophy. So we also need to build a capacity to allow us to use these cloud services. So we really put an emphasis or we can work with a part of upgrading the capacity. Significantly.
JIm Flyzik: Now you are talking about technology capacities or people capacities?
Gary Blohm: [00:00:27 Inaudible] So data rates up to 100 gigabytes per second. So we really put on this the way we go to the process of showing that as a requirement. We always step behind looking and we know that data rates span is always going to increase as time goes on. So we are really getting ahead of that. The second thing that ties to what Pat said before about operational models. I was going to use the term ‘business models’. Everything we use to buying, building, acquiring in the army has always been on the system’s level.
JIm Flyzik: Right.
Gary Blohm: I buy the hardware, I buy the software, I do it with my still pipe. Breaking away from that and letting some of that control to go over to others is really a challenge for us. And whether it is government to government with those kind of escalades and we have been working through that with this and we have been improving significantly or how do we work with commercial providers as the providers of service? So we are really working on and focusing on acquisition piece of doing this. Whether it is going to a government partner or at the industry.
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