Dave Bowen: Sure Jim. I’ll be glad to. I guess the first thing I’d like to talk about is a document imaging system that we recently received a full deployment decision on, it’s called HAIMS Health Artifact Information Management System. And basically this is a system that takes a lot of documents that were previously in the paper records of our military members.
They were either generated from outside of our direct care system or they were another report generated elsewhere. And we've got a full blown image scanning operation now across all three services, all of our military treatment facilities are up and operation. We’ve trained somewhere around 21,000 people and it’s used and we’re rapidly moving from a paper base record into a digitally based record.
And taking all these documents that were in the paper record before scanning them in and making them a part of our member’s electronic health records. So they're accessible to people from the VA who may need to see those or outside providers or whatever. So, we’re pretty excited about that, it’s been a year or so in the making and we’re moving out pretty rapidly.
JIm Flyzik: And could that mean -- can those records then be moved from location to location so that every time you go somewhere new you don’t fill out the forms over and over again?
Dave Bowen: Well, that’s exactly right and I think it’s something that we do very, very well in the DOD because our members are so mobile, you know, you could have a guy who’s seen in Aviano, Italy today and Germany tomorrow and Waldrada the next day.
JIm Flyzik: Sure, yeah.
Dave Bowen: So we've got to be able to move that information around and this allows us to do that with documents that were previously unable to be accessible.
JIm Flyzik: Correct, yeah, good.
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