Dr. Theresa Cullen: I… Obviously we all have tremendous lessons learned. I think though collaboration, collaboration, collaboration. So much of what we do in the federal space when we are successful is dependent upon establishing a collaborative environment, whether it be with the end users, with veterans, with patients, with our contracting partners, with our other federal partners critical. The other thing the we’ve been doing lately though, which I really piggy back on what Gale just said is ensuring that when we do our requirements, yeah, even in an agile way, we do them within a framework that enables and actually endorses us actually addressing multiple factors.
Things like interoperability. Does that data need to be shared? If that data needs to be shared you may need to do it a little different way. Do you need a mobile platform? What’s your architecture that’s going to support it? How are you going to do your human factors? What do you do with your engineering? What do you do with your usability? So we’ve established really pretty stringent guidelines that says if you’re going to do something we, you know, we want you to be innovative. We want you to be there at the point of care, but we want you to at least think about, in this case, 12 different things. I’m making up that number, because I don’t remember it.
JIm Flyzik: Right.
Dr. Theresa Cullen: And address all of them before you move forward, because we know that that will improve your chances at success.
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