Roland Fabia: Welfare in DIA, you know we’re no longer inside the [inaudible 00:00:03] agency. We have a presence that each of the commands and we are deployed globally, so as more and more of the eyesight [inaudible 00:00:11] are delivered this environment will definitely give the analyst and the collectors the edge and they’ll be in a better position to deliver a decision advantage to our war fighters, our defense planners and key policy makers.
So through IT we can create a better environment. At the end of the day we provide the chairman of the Joint of Chiefs, the Secretary of Defense and even the President better way to reach that decision. We talked about the decision making process reduced and it’s intelligence sport to that policy maker of helping them reduce the range of uncertainly when difficult decisions have to be made.
JIm Flyzik: Right, so you’re putting in place the necessary tools, infrastructures so that decision makers can focus on decision making and sharing out information.
Roland Fabia: Right. You know a comment you made and others made early about the younger generation is that providing those tools for them.
00:01:00 END OF AUDIO
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